Tukku Sanyu Kidde – Welcome to my blog

Tukku Sanyu Kidde – Welcome to my blog

I'm Simon and I'm a volunteer in Uganda.

My project is called Global Village Network. We are based on a Farm north-east of Kampala.

Our objectives are to fight poverty by improving sanitation, employment agricultural output and education in this area.

I'm staying here for a year and I'm teaching at a primary school in Kalanam.

Friday, March 30, 2012


I woke up and I heard the sound of rain. It was around 5 O'clock.
I thought: “Shit! I got to go to the toilet.”
For your information, our toilet is outside...
Now, while I was lying in my bed, trying to think of a solution, I noticed a unusually high number of insects crawling around my bed.
Annoyed and disgusted I opened my eyes.
First of all the light outside on the balcony was on. This is quite normal, because we always ( if we have power) leave it on for security reasons.
The second thing I noticed was the vibrating curtain above my head.

. . .

“Why the **** is it vibrating???????”
Before really figuring out what was happening some basic instincts told me to get my head out of reach of this god forsaken curtain.
So I lay down the other side of the bed and I observed.
And I listened. To the rain.
There was a monotone drumming sound against the window in combination with another unidentifiable sound.
This and the increasing number of crawling things under and on my blanket, finally made me realize:
What invaded the room and brought my curtain to life, was neither the devil nor some evil spirits
                - it was a giant swarm of flying insects.

More precisely ants, flying ones! - How I was told later that day.
So after a five minute period of shock, I got up, trying to find a bug-free place.
First I turn on the light. Bad Idea - More Bugs.
So I go outside.
I've never seen something similar.
The biggest, most horrific swarm of insects I ever saw, each of them fighting for a spot on the light bulb.
What really confused me though, was the fact that a group of people was exactly in the middle of this crawling and flying ocean of ants.
It just made no sense. But since I was still on the run, I first of all walked abut 20 meters away from the scene – thats about as much as it took to get away from the worst (there were still some ants around).
I took a deep breath and tried to figure everything out.
OK, first things first: I still have to go to the toilet.
After finishing my business, I returned back to unsolved puzzle in front of our house.
Now I `can see what the people are doing:
They are collecting them. They are collecting flying ants.
Guess what we had for Lunch.

After removing the wings...

The people collecting the ants.

They show me their catch.

 Our balcony in the morning.
 A battlefield... 

 Close ups!

Mhhhhhhh.... Tasty!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

no idea how I should name this post... i'll come up with a name later

  • O sibi otya nyabo?
  • Bulungi sebo, o sibi otya sebo?
  • Bulungi nyabo, jebale!
  • Kale Sebo, nawe jebale!
  • Kale Nyabo!

“What is this supposed to mean?”
“Why does this guy keep on writing in a language that I don't understand?”
Thats probably what most of you are thinking right now, and why I'm doing it?
  • I have no clue.
But anyway this is how people great each other in Luganda.
It was really kinda hard to get the hang of it at first, but slowly I'm getting it.
I can buy stuff in shops and do some small talk without using any English!
It's just the numbers that sometimes get me:
  • Sebo, Rolex sente mmeka? (Mister, how much is that Rolex?)
  • Nkumi Biri. ( 1500 )
  • Whats that in English???

I still can't really manage to follow or have a proper conversation, but I'm positive that I'll get there!

Now what am I doing at the moment?
I'm a primary school teacher and I teach English to P4 and P3, Science to P4 and spelling to P1 and P2.
The school is really small, same as the classes (10-15 students) – what I'm really happy about, cause its already really hard to keep them under control!
We have 3 Teachers (4 including me) at the moment, which is why two classes are always taught together. This makes it really hard finding an appropriate level that everybody understands, but does not bore half of them to death.
Also do we not have enough school material. For example: In English we have three pupil books and none for the teacher. Since three books are almost impossible to share between 15 pupils we use them as teacher books.
The really bad thing about it is that we have to write everything on the board, whether it is an exercise, or a story that you want to read. Do you have any idea about how long it takes for a class to copy a page long story from the blackboard?
- You can plan one or two hours for that!
Apart from school material, the lack of knowledge in English in many kids makes it really hard, since my Luganda ain't that good yet, to explain new kinds of exercises, especially in the lower classes like P1 & 2.
Enough for now!
And write some comments!!!

We're building a fence (:

                                         At the farm next to us - we own a few cows there


People trying to catch small fish

Dancan at the well 

Our baby cow :D

Inside the school - P4 and P3

A frog...

Inside the hen house